Monday 1 May 2017

MACHU PICCHU (Big or Old / Mountain)

The five min freezing cold hike through the foggy/rainy fresh mountain air, had everyone absolutely ecstatic.

The semi circle above is also known at the Templo de Sol (Temple of Sun) an ancient ruin of the first Inca people.

What a workout at 2,430 metres (7,970 ft) above sea level these stairs held... Still an amazing time though...
I don't think even as I climbed/hiked the billion stairs with a head cold in the freezing rainy Machu Picchu... I stopped smiling for even a second... Because I finally was living my childhood dream!

Our tour guide explaining a bit more about the Inca people and their religion/culture.
Below: What would Machu Picchu be without Llama's <3 These ones weren't very friendly however... Or maybe just tired of all 3000 tourists crooning over them... day in and day out...

1 comment:

  1. Awesome experience Avianna! I hope we can talk in Spanish once you come back home. Enjoy!!! Claudine Arce
