Thursday 15 September 2016

CHUNCHOS... I did not know such a beautiful name could exist, but it does, only here in Tarija and it is a very sacred and respected name. A chuncho is a male dancer dressed in vivid colors that dress up only once a year to dance from one cathedral to another in honor of the Catholic Saints. The festival lasts for a few days and is a very important ritual to many Tarija citizens. This year there where over 4 thousand Chunchos. The streets where packed with vendors and citizens all partaking in this annual event. It was a beautiful thing to experience and witness as an individual and I am very thankful for my friends Michelle and Emilia who helped me navigate my way through the streets of Tarija to see the Chunchos. 


  1. How fortunate that you could be there to experience that event. It sounds very interesting. Tarija is a beautiful place.

  2. So happy that you are getting to experience so many wonderful things :)
