Thursday 19 January 2017

Might not be the best photo of the four of us... Especially because Nico is hiding behind me on the hammock. But I just wanted to say how much I love my siblings here in Tarija. When I applied for exchange I hoped I would get a 'good' family... I was not given a 'good' family... I was given the BEST family any exchange student could ever ask for.

Over these past 5 months they have not only become my host family, but they are part of my real family now and I of theirs. Nico moved to Canada 2 weeks after I arrived in Tarija, but he was a huge help in those first few weeks translating, introducing me to his friends and making me feel like I belonged. We still speak often over face time and I am so proud and happy for him as he is thoroughly enjoying his exchange year in Canada. Coky became one of my closest friends from the moment I arrived in Tarija. Being basically clueless in Spanish for the first month or so relaxed immediately because Coky acted as a teacher and translator for me. He also has become someone I confide in and I will miss our talks with him and his wonderful girlfriend Julietta (another close friend of mine). Ariana and I could probably tell you pretty much anything about each other... and I am not just talking favorite food's and animals... Words cannot even begin to describe how hard it will be not getting to see her everyday. She is an incredible girl and I cannot wait to see the incredible woman she will become as well.

Don't get me wrong we have had our up's and down's, but that is just a part of being in a family. The truth is, no matter what happens family is ALWAYS there for you, they will ALWAYS love you and they will ALWAYS have a special place in your heart and life. This photo was taken during my first week in Tarija... Nico, Ari, Coky and I were chilling outside. I was playing guitar and we were talking. I remember looking up from my guitar to see my mom snapping photos of us...

 Tomorrow is Friday January 20 2016. I will moving to a new host family in a different neighborhood in Tarija. It has been a difficult thing to imagine living with another family, and packing this week really hit me hard. But despite me living in another house (which will be a new and wonderful experience) it does not mean I will no longer see or spend time with my dear Aguirre family. I am sure I will still go to the Saturday market with my mom and Ari, and hopefully at least three days a week I will run after the gym to my old house and have tea or dinner with my family.

I just wanted to express my thankfulness and love to my beautiful first family in my exchange year. I know our lives will be intertwined forever and that there will hopefully be many visits in the years to come.

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